Unusual stories that I feel are likely to interest you

These are unusual and special stories that may be of interest to you

1] Government Report: “An Entire Generation” of American Weapons Is Wide Open to Hackers

2] The Indian animal trainer who became a circus legend. This man is fearlessly in a cage full of Tigers and Leopards

3] World’s oldest intact shipwreck discovered in Black Sea

4] Welcome to the Post-Text Future

5] Harvard Scientists claim that thousands of civilizations could be flying on interstellar sails

6] What Explains US Mass Shootings? International Comparisons Suggests an Answer

7] The history of the electric car is longer than you might think

8] Berlin Airlift Remembered, Key Moment in Cold War

9] Off-the-grid DIY tiny house business wins international sustainability award

10] One U.S. Battleship Fired 65,000 .50 Caliber Rounds During Pearl Harbor

11] Want even more of the U-505 experience? Take the optional on-board tour through the submarine, available daily

12] Do These Skeletons Hold the Secret to the Fall of the Roman Empire?

13] Witches, wicca, spells and pub ‘moots’ all form part of Tasmania’s thriving pagan community

14] Cars in pictures: The cat in the barn, a dilapidated garage in Cheshire reveals a stylish piece of British history

15] This WWII Ghost Bomber Mysteriously Landed Itself

16] Lincoln’s Tomb – Springfield, Illinios
Located at the Oakridge Cemetery in Springfield Illinois you’ll find the final resting place for Abraham Lincoln along with the rest of his immediate family (with the exception of one of his sons)

17] Goodbye to the Beetle

18] History What-If: Could Custer Have Survived the Battle of Little Big Horn?

19] The Media Loves This UFO Expert Who Says He Worked for an Obscure Pentagon Program. Did He?

20] Sir Roger Penrose, Aeons before the Big Bang (Copernicus Center Lecture 2010)

21] Our physics can explain most of the evolution of the Universe after the Planck time (approximately 10-43 seconds after the Big Bang)

22] Are young people growing horns because of mobile phones? Not so fast

23] Art of Science: Jackson Pollock’s Fractals

24] Now — And The Physics Of Time

25] Event-related brain potential correlates of two states of conscious awareness in memory

26] Impressive feet of strength with bow and arrow

27] The Birth Of A Big A– Gun – Warship Gun Factory (1908)

28] 1,000 Dachshunds Gathered For A Mass Walk In London

29] Hiroshima: Why Truman Dropped the Atomic Bomb on Japan