The SMUT particle’s relationship with gravity and time

How the SMUT particle can demonstrate that there are various types of gravity as well as various types of time

The SMUT particle is a particle with seemingly impossible attributes that can be proven to exist via the SMUT particle experiment. A shorter explanation of the SMUT particle experiment can be found here.

In proving the existence of the SMUT particle we demonstrate the existence of the All Seasons particle. The All Seasons particle is also a particle with seemingly impossible attributes. This also demonstrates that the SMUT and All Seasons particles conform to the laws of physics. If they could not do this they could not exist in the first place.

In proving the All Seasons particle’s existence we also demonstrate the existence of the Gravity particle [called a Graviton] because the gravity particle is also a particle with seemingly impossible attributes.

In showing that gravity is a particle we open up various possibilities with respect to new science. If gravity is controlled by graviton particles then they must conform to Standard Model of particle physics as well as the E8 theory.

Both the Standard Model of particle physics and E8 theory state that particles have variants. For example, neutrinos have the tau, muon and electron neutrino variants. Quarks have variants like the top, charm and up quarks. The same goes for other particles in Standard Model of particle physics and E8 theory.

What we are proposing is that if these particles have variants in accordance with the Standard Model of particle physics as well as E8 theory then gravity particles must have variant particles. The SMUT particle experiment demonstrates that particles with seemingly impossible attributes can exist, therefore variants of the gravity particles must exist too.

It follows that because there are different types of gravity particles [Gravitons] there must be different types of gravity. What is most important is how gravity relates to time! Gravity has a direct and close relationship to time, proven by the effect of gravity time dilation.

If there are variant types of gravity, there must be variant types of time. This is the focus of some of the ideas discussed on this website, notably the Awareness model of physics theory and how it relates to the SMUT particle experiment. This is important to our understanding of the universe, especially if we take into account that there are different types of gravity and time.

The SMUT [Static Mass Universe Tracking] particle discussion, an all embracing presentation

The SMUT [Static Mass Universe Tracking] particle experiment and related material thereto Note to readers:

Here are the blogs related to the SMUT [Static Mass Universe Tracking] particle, the theory behind the SMUT particle itself, the experiment involving the SMUT particle and some adjunct uses relating to the SMUT particle experiment apparatus. All material surrounding the SMUT particle and the ideas related can be found in the blogs below. All blogs are self descriptive and as a whole are self contained.

Readers should note that neither Freeman nor Grant has the mathematical knowledge and training to develop the necessary mathematical formulas to establish the veracity of the SMUT particle concept. If you are seeking maths equations relating to the SMUT particle they do not exist.

The blogs that follow are in order of ease of understanding. One blog is not more pertinent than another and are mutually complimentary to each other.

What is a SMUT [Static Mass Universe Tracking] particle? What are its characteristics? How is the SMUT particle created?:

What is the SMUT particle?

Important note about the formation of the virtual version of the SMUT particle

A closer look at the SMUT particle

Likely questions about the SMUT particle

The SMUT particle’s relationship with gravity and time

The theory [plus information related to the theory] that the SMUT particle experiment is designed to established:

The inherent nature and qualities of the All Seasons Particle

My opinion about imaginary mass

The relationship between the Awareness model of physics and a supporting experiment

The dynamic feature of the Awareness physics model is the SMUT particle

Concluding the SMUT particle discussion

The following three blogs provide details about the SMUT particle experiment. The first blog is a compact version of the experiment that has been designed for the benefit of laypersons. The second blog is a more comprehensive description of the same experiment. The third blog relates to the special equipment required to conduct the experiment.

SMUT particle experiment – a short explanation

The Static Mass Universe Tracking [SMUT] particle experiment

Customised Casimir plates for the SMUT particle experiment – a short explanation

An adjunct experiment to the primary SMUT particle experiment and associated alternative uses for the SMUT particle experiment apparatus:

A secondary experiment to the SMUT particle experiment

How to use of the SMUT particle experiment as an energy generator

How the SMUT particle experiment set up would work as an interstellar compass

Important note about the formation of the virtual version of the SMUT particle

When virtual forms of SMUT [Static Mass Universe Tracking] particles form they do so just like any other virtual particle

Readers without physics knowledge will find it difficult to fully understand and appreciate the series of drawings that follow. For such readers this blog has been posted so that you know such an experiment exist and furthermore it is detailed in both scope and nature. For readers with a science background you will find an extended description of the experiment if you click to The static mass universe tracking particle experiment. If the SMUT particle experiments can be validated in a laboratory it would confirm the scientific merit of the Awareness model of physics. Please be advised that new SMUT particle text has been added to the blog A closer look at the SMUT particle on 25/Nov/14.

When other virtual particles are formed they form with an anti-particle equivalent. This is in accordance with the laws of physics. The same is true for the SMUT particle when it forms as a virtual particle. It to is created with an anti-SMUT particle equivalent. Once again, this conforms to the laws of physics. However, there is a difference: Because the SMUT particle and anti-SMUT particle cannot move back towards each other they cannot annihilate each other to form energy. This has implications for The static mass universe tracking particle experiment. It means that the SMUT particle will not be destroyed before it can be detected. It would also be easy to detect because it has an anti-particle opposite number with it. Also, other sub-atomic particles would be created in the experiment and some of them may reach the particle detectors as well.

Here is a simplified explanation of the static mass universe tracking particle experiment:

SMUT particle experiment a short explanation

What is the SMUT particle?

The SMUT [Static Mass Universe Tracking] particle is the defining particle that validates the Awareness model of physics.

The extract that follows is a brief summary of the SMUT particles properties and its associated potential value in the creation of potentially new cosmological insights.


“…We believe that if particles with imaginary properties, i.e. (imaginary charge, imaginary spin, imaginary mass) and so-on exist, then particles with imaginary momentum must exist, as it can be an attribute of a particle. The most famous particles with imaginary properties are tachyon particles.

If a particle has imaginary momentum (which is imaginary motion) it cannot have real momentum (real motion). It therefore must be static because imaginary motion would completely exclude real motion. We call this particle the Static Mass Universe Tracking [SMUT] particle. “Static mass,” because it is a static mass and “Universe tracking” because it tracks through the universe in relation to a side experiment that can be done in addition to the main experiment we are proposing.”

The static mass universe tracking SMUT particle experiment

A re-written summary of the SMUT particle phenomena can be found on this link:

A closer look at the SMUT particle

A closer look at the SMUT particle

Excepts from this website that describe the SMUT particle in detail

This section contains various excerpts from other blogs posted in this website. The material, with the relevant links provided, detail all useful information about the SMUT [Static Mass Universe Tracking] particle.

It is felt that writing a new article about the SMUT particle is redundant as all the necessary details of its properties are already cited in various blogs posted on this website.

We have presented the excepts in various sub-sections as follows.

What is the SMUT particle?

“…We believe that if particles with imaginary properties, i.e. (imaginary charge, imaginary spin, imaginary mass) and so-on exist, then particles with imaginary momentum must exist, as it can be an attribute of a particle. The most famous particles with imaginary properties are tachyon particles.

If a particle has imaginary momentum (which is imaginary motion) it cannot have real momentum (real motion). It therefore must be static because imaginary motion would completely exclude real motion. We call this particle the Static Mass Universe Tracking [SMUT] particle. “Static mass,” because it is a static mass and “Universe tracking” because it tracks through the universe in relation to a side experiment that can be done in addition to the main experiment we are proposing.”

“Could the SMUT particle be used as a laser?

No, laser beams are made from photons, SMUT particles and photons are not the same thing. A photon has a zero rest mass, meaning no mass while it is motionless. A SMUT particle must have a rest mass, being motionless it has to have a definable measurable mass while it is motionless or it would dissipate before it could ever form.”

How does the SMUT particle work?

“For now we will go on to describe some key concepts that must be known about the experiment. A vitally important piece of information is that we ourselves are not static in the universe. We are moving with the universe, by this I mean the Earth is rotating beneath us, it also orbits the Sun, the Sun orbits the centre of the Milky Way galaxy and the Milky Way galaxy travels through the universe. We are always moving along with the Earth. What you have to remember is that the SMUT particle is not moving with the Earth or any other astronomical body. It remains dormant at the point it was created. The SMUT particle gives a very convincing illusion that it is moving, but this is only an illusion. What is really happening is that the Earth and therefore we, because we are on the Earth, are moving away from where the SMUT particle was created. Furthermore the speed the SMUT particle travels at is the sum of the motions we and the Earth are experiencing. When we create a SMUT particle in the lab, the lab is pulled along with the rotation and orbit of the Earth and the SMUT particle is left behind where the lab and ourselves once were.”

“It has to be noted that the SMUT particle appears to move because it is static and the universe moves around it. If you were to detect a SMUT particle you would see it in motion because you are in motion due to the Earth’s movement through space. Because of this effect, from the point of an observer the SMUT the particle appears as a moving particle, but this is an illusion. The SMUT particle gives the illusion that it is in motion, but it is truly static.”

“…We have discovered online works done in relation to researching tachyons. The articles we refer to for this as Bilaniuk_Metarelativity, and…”

“…In these articles we found that the error committed in finding tachyons was trying to observe their effects, such as Cherenkov radiation. These experiments failed and the research was abandoned. The difference between the SMUT particle experiment and the experiments done decades ago is that my experiment tries to observe the SMUT particle directly as opposed to observing the effects given off by a particle. Trying to observe only the effects of a tachyon may be why the older experiments failed.

The same articles also refer to the mathematics involved in static particles. Admittedly the equations shown were not proof that static particles can be mathematically proven to possibly exist, as is the situation with the equations relating to the tachyon. It has to be said that the mathematics referred to in the articles lends weight to the idea that static particles, such as the SMUT particle could be proven to exist mathematically by someone versed in creating physics related equations.”

Creation of the SMUT particle

“The Casimir effect has an important ole to play in the SMUT particle experiment as it is the way to access, i.e. create SMUT particles. The details of how the Casimir effect works are described in the audio provided below and in this Youtube link: By the process of the Casimir effect on virtual particles in the space foam we can bring SMUT particles into our existence. From there we can measure them in the SMUT particle experiment.”

“What causes the creation of virtual SMUT particles before they were bought to the ‘real’ universe in the SMUT particle experiment?

I would say the Big Bang, or atomic and sub-atomic reactions would do this. Energies captured in the Casimir effect could also become SMUT particles. There is much about these sorts of sub-atomic and atomic reactions we are yet to discover. I would be willing to say that the SMUT particle could be created in some of those reactions.”

“The experiment described in this document utilizes existing technologies and theories which we will mention here but not go into detail as it would be redundant, as such information is publicly available for those who search for it. However, for the benefit of laypeople it is appropriate for you to appreciate that energy exists in any forum whatsoever including in a vacuum. This effectively means if a universe was a vacuum there would be energy inherent in it anyway. This can be demonstrated by the well known Casimir effect. The process uses two mirror like metallic plates with no electric charge put close together. They interact with the virtual energy of a vacuum in a way that draws such energies, and their related particles, into our reality. The Casimir effect is a way of turning virtual particles that make up a vacuum of space into real (material) particles. When a virtual particle is drawn into real space (our reality) it becomes a real particle that we are familiar with like an electron, photon, quark, lepton and so-on. Sometimes the type of particle drawn into real space has a very short lifespan, but that does not invalidate the fact it was drawn into real space.”

The SMUT particle is observable and measurable

“…If the SMUT particle can be measured it proves that other particles, like the all seasons type particle of our theory can exist. We further believe that it is possible to measure the SMUT particle via conventional scientific apparatus, we will further describe the experiment in this document. It is our opinion if the characteristics of this particle can be demonstrated and observed this would lead to it being possible to determine where the centre of the universe is, that would be a secondary effect of the experiment. For those that are not familiar with cosmology and physics what we are saying is that this new particle we are talking about does not move with the expanding universe, but remains static at its point of creation. We believe if our hypothesis has merit, the implications for science are significant.”

The SMUT particle conforms to laws of science

“Another key concept of our ideas is that the SMUT particle does not break the laws of science, including causation or conservation of energy. It is not indestructible, it can be converted into energy and it behaves for the most part like any other particle. It stays in a wave form until observed and becomes a particle like any other atomic particle/wave would. This is important when it gets detected in the experiment as described below. Another important facet of the SMUT particle is that it cannot have zero rest mass as a photon has, because zero rest mass particles dissolve into energy if they are stopped or are static. The SMUT particle has to have a measurable mass in order to exist. This will help in its detection in the experiment. Its other attributes, apart from magnetic charge and imaginary motion/momentum are not relevant to our endeavor.”

An important exemption to the above paragraph:

“For those who may be skeptics of the SMUT particle concept in relationship to the uncertainty principle. The uncertainty principle only applies to particles with real momentum. The SMUT particle has imaginary momentum and this changes its relationship to the uncertainty principle. The SMUT particle does not speed up or slow down, this would cause it to lose energy and convert into cosmic rays. Its wavelength would not get larger as it slows down because it cannot change speed without potentially being destroyed.

In the experiment to detect the SMUT particle we do not know exactly where it was formed. After it has formed it becomes a wave as would any other quantum particle and appears to move towards the detectors surrounding the SMUT particle’s point of origin. The size of the wave is irrelevant as it still collapses as it appears to travel through the detectors, just as any other particle would. This negates the De Broglie wavelength theory.”

“…For more information see the weblink here:

Relationship with the All Seasons particle

“To be taken seriously a scientific hypothesis needs an experiment or mathematical formulae (preferably both). I came up with a hypothesis – particles with imaginary attributes exist. The SMUT particle experiment is a way of proving the hypothesis by putting a particle with imaginary attributes into a position where it can be observed and measured by detection technology that exists today.”

“The reason for the importance of the SMUT particle in the Awareness model of physics is that if you can prove the existence of the SMUT particle, as described in the SMUT particle experiment, then it proves that the All Seasons particle can exist. The All Seasons Particle is the backbone of the Awareness physics model.”

“We have classified the All Seasons, SMUT, tachyon and dybbuk as all in the same family of particles as they all have imaginary properties. The SMUT particle relates to the All Seasons particle in two ways: One is that the SMUT particle can be derived from the All Seasons particle, either with a tachyon or without. Two, the SMUT particle and the All Seasons particle are both particles that have imaginary properties. The SMUT particles has imaginary momentum, the All Seasons particle has other properties that are imaginary except that of momentum.”

For the full details of the SMUT particle experiment follow the link below:

Grant 25/11/14

Likely questions about the SMUT particle

Note: Written in the first person as a Q & A session, my associate in the SMUT particle project agrees with my answers below.

Could SMUT particles act as a stabilizer to the universe?

This is a question that is worth exploring, but I do not have an answer to it. If SMUT particles exist in the universe, and are motionless within it, they might act as some kind of support structure to the universe. Possibly even contribute to dark matter? I don’t know. Although this is an idea I do not have anyway to prove, I think it is worth further investigation. SMUT particles as dark matter and the universe’s support structure are not concepts I want to commit to one way or the other.

Could the SMUT particle be used as an anti-gravity device?

No, I am talking about sub-atomic particles, they would not have the mass to lift anything at a level that scales with our macroscopic world, even if it were used in vast numbers. Also, I clearly say it is not indestructible. If it were to go through a powerful gravitational field, but not fall into it, then it would lose energy just like any other particle, this process can get to a point where any particle could lose enough energy to become nothing but energy, and the SMUT particle is no exception.

Could the SMUT particle be used as a drilling device?

No, for the same reasons as it not being able to be used as an anti-gravity device. It is too small and has too lower mass to act as a drill, even if used in large numbers, and the process would convert the SMUT particles to energy it anyway. It would be like drilling with a flashlight, it doesn’t work because the photons from a flashlight beam would not interact with matter in a way that would drill through it like a power tool.

Could the SMUT particle be used as a laser?

No, laser beams are made from photons, SMUT particles and photons are not the same thing. A photon has a zero rest mass, meaning no mass while it is motionless. A SMUT particle must have a rest mass, being motionless it has to have a definable measurable mass while it is motionless or it would dissipate before it could ever form.

What causes the creation of virtual SMUT particles before they were bought to the “real” universe in the SMUT particle experiment?

I would say the Big Bang, or atomic and sub-atomic reactions would do this. Energies captured in the Casimir effect could also become SMUT particles. There is much about these sorts of sub-atomic and atomic reactions we are yet to discover. I would be willing to say that the SMUT particle could be created in some of those reactions, and created as virtual particles in the quantum foam in the vacuum of space.

Why did you come up with the SMUT particle experiment?

To be taken seriously a scientific hypothesis needs an experiment or mathematical formulae (preferably both). I came up with a hypothesis – particles with imaginary attributes exist. The SMUT particle experiment is a way of proving the hypothesis by putting a particle with imaginary attributes into a position where it can be observed and measured by detection technology that exists today.

Could the SMUT particle and SMUT particle experiment be use as a clock?

Yes, the SMUT particle could be used to measure time, by measuring the time it takes from when it was generated at the Casimir plates to when it gets to the detectors. However, this is totally redundant as the SMUT particle experiment apparatus already contains an atomic clock.

Can the SMUT particle experiment be used to detect cosmic motions we do not know about?

Yes, when the SMUT particles are measured in the main experiment calculations can be made that can factor in known motions like the Earth’s rotation, any ground movements, the motion of the Earth’s orbit, the gravitational effects of the moon and planets on the Earth and various other influences that may affect the experiment’s results. After deducting all the known influences, motion effects may be found that we currently do not know about. This information would be useful in the field of cosmology.

Are SMUT particles, or at least virtual SMUT particles, part of the quantum foam that makes up the vacuum of space?

Yes, virtual SMUT particles, and virtual All Seasons particles, are like all other types of virtual particles are part of the quantum foam. However, they are most likely not a significant part of the quantum foam.