The quantum mind-body problem

The quantum mind–body problem refers to the philosophical discussions of the mind–body problem in the context of quantum mechanics

Some interpretations of quantum mechanics posit a special role for consciousness in the process of quantum measurement.

I am presenting you with an extensive work written by an academic at Princeton University. Within this work I also briefly describe my opinion as to how this problem may be better understood. You will find that I do this in paragraphs 5 and 6 of the attached pdf file. I feel that many laypersons may find this document is difficult to understand.

pdf file

Is Quantum Mechanics Relevant To Understanding Consciousness?

The human mind can comprehend self-evident truth, but a rule-bound computer cannot

For readers with a science background I believe that you will enjoy reading this article written by a distinguished mathematician and physicist:

A Review of Shadows of the Mind by Roger Penrose.


“The reader soon realizes, however, that Penrose’s larger goal is to point the way to a grand synthesis of classical physics, quantum physics and even neuropsychology. He begins his argument by slighting computers’ ability to mimic the thoughts of a mathematician. At first glance, computers might seem perfectly suited to this endeavor: after all, they were created to calculate. But Penrose points out that Alan M. Turing himself, the original champion of artificial intelligence, demonstrated that many mathematical problems are not susceptible to algorithmic analysis and resolution. The bounds of computability, Penrose says, are related to Godel’s theorem, which holds that any mathematical system always contains self-evident truths that cannot be formally proved by the system’s initial conditions. The human mind can comprehend these truths, but a rule-bound computer cannot.”

Strong evidence that human heart transplants seem to change the personalities of recipients

An amazing story about a woman who was a heart transplant recipient and received a young man’s heart. She even started walking like a man afterwards

I quote from an online newspaper article as follows:

“So can elements of a person’s character – or even their soul – be transplanted along with a heart?  One woman who believes this to be the case is CLAIRE SYLVIA, a divorced mother of one. She was 47 and dying from a disease called primary pulmonary hypertension when, in 1988, she had a pioneering heart-lung transplant in America. She was given the organs of an 18-year-old boy who had been killed in a motorcycle accident near his home in Maine. Claire, a former professional dancer, then made an astonishing discovery: she seemed to be acquiring the characteristics, and cravings, of the donor.”

Read more:—started-craving-beer-Kentucky-Fried-Chicken-My-daughter-said-I-walked-like-man.html#ixzz4hKwu4sUD




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So can elements of a person’s character – or even their soul – be transplanted along with a heart?

One woman who believes this to be the case is CLAIRE SYLVIA, a divorced mother of one.

She was 47 and dying from a disease called primary pulmonary hypertension when, in 1988, she had a pioneering heartlung transplant in America.

She was given the organs of an 18-year-old boy who had been killed in a motorcycle accident near his home in Maine.

Claire, a former professional dancer, then made an astonishing discovery: she seemed to be acquiring the characteristics, and cravings, of the donor.


Read more:—started-craving-beer-Kentucky-Fried-Chicken-My-daughter-said-I-walked-like-man.html#ixzz4hKwu4sUD
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The Bohm interpretation of the mind-matter relationship

I address various issues and ideas relating to a physics essay written by Professor Basil J Hiley.

This is in respect to my Awareness model and how it might compare with Bohm’s Holomovement model of physics.

I have developed a concept theory in relationship to reality. I have entitled this theory the Awareness model. The Bohm model of physics relates to the existence of an implicate and explicate phenomena (information)  being present within our 3D universe. In my Awareness model I refer to such information as being implicit and explicit information. Both models are mathematically and physically much the same except that my ideas relate to my opinion of there being a wider matrix of informational reality wherein our 3D universe ‘sits’. The Bohm Holomovement hypothesis is that space-time reality is one with an implicate [curtain-like] backdrop and unlike my Awareness model it makes no apparent attempt to include what thing/s might have existed before the Big Bang.

I have included an article into this blog entitled “Non-commutative Geometry, the Bohm Interpretation and the Mind-Matter Relationship”. It was written by Professor Hiley and is already cited above. The contents scientifically relate to similar themes that I have loosely discussed above. It is an extensive scholarly article that I feel has been primarily written for the benefit of Hiley’s peer’s. It is not easy to read. The online source of the essay can be found here.

I have copied and pasted certain extracts from Hiley’s essay and they appear below. I will not attempt to explain each quote. My reason for posting these quotes today is that I feel that you need to know that such informed work exists in the community relating to the interconnecting linkages between mind, brain, consciousness and matter processes.

As a Concept-Scientist I do not fully understand the scientific meaning of some of the contents of the essay. However, I believe that Hiley is saying something is seriously wrong with contemporary science modelling as it attempts to understand the fundamental relationship between minds, brains, consciousnesses and matter. Hiley seems to be offering a solution to this scientific dilemma and his solution is based upon the ideas of the late physicist David Bohm. I am presently developing ideas for a new blog relating to this topic.

Quotations as cited above:

Quote 1:

noncom geometry 1

Quote 2:

noncom geometry 2

Quote 3:

noncom geometry 3

A most unusual near death experience (NDE)

Generic introduction

This introductory paragraph to this blog has been inserted on May 17th 2015. It post- dates my writings below. If you have a special interest in this particular topic, I urge you to also acquaint yourself with the contents of a generic statement blog that I have created.

The story of a man who went for a ninety minute cosmic journey immediately after he died and returned to tell the story. Only you can decide if this story is believable or not.

I am of the opinion that our personal sense of awareness and consciousness are distinctly different from each other. As those readers who have already perused some of my ideas relating to sub-quantum phenomena you will probably identify with phenomena the author shares with his readers. If you are contemplating reading the accompanying PDF file titled “Near death experience” I urge you to keep in mind that I write principally from a secular perspective and as such I am not necessarily endorsing the religious connotations entwined within certain sections of Mr. Mellen-Thomas Benedict’s essay. If you are interested in this topic also read my blog the AWARE study. You will also note I have underlined certain texts within the essay to help you better identify with what I feel are the more important science related aspects of the work. I point out that the author is not promoting any particular brand of religion. I have also attached a separate reference statement to the original document. The author of this document verifies this particular NDE story is authentic as well as that of Mr. Mellen-Thomas Benedict’s life history, including his professional involvement with Quantum Biology. That is, how biological systems work.

I have underlined sections of text that I feel may be of most interest to you, more particularly text that I feel is commensurate with my secular-physics views about the inherent nature of reality. I mean by this a reality that is governed by a backdrop of primordial (cosmic-instinctual) awareness as well as thought. For example, this means when the author is talking about himself traveling in a void I am suggesting it is his personal sense of awareness in tune with, and resonating with, primordial cosmic awareness as a whole. I say personal consciousness has absolutely no role in this alleged cosmic journey whatsoever.

Mr. Mellen-Thomas Benedict talks about information transfer after death as well as his notion of a cosmic matrix and he felt at the time of his cosmic journey as though he was in direct contact with what he calls “the source of life” I ask readers to keep in mind that I claim our personal awareness and as such it would not necessarily be unrealistic for his personal sense of awareness to feel this way as it melded with primordial-cosmic awareness. The author talks about a type of grid around the planet where our higher selves are connected and there is a subtle level of energy within this grid. I refer to this analogical grid as being commensurate to my concept of an over arcing fourth dimension.

When the author talks about how beautiful we all are in our inner core I associate his words as being as though he is in a deep state of transcendental (meditative) awareness which in turn implies his personal awareness is in direct liaison, with primordial awareness devoid of the logical parameters of consciousness. If you care to know more about my ideas in this area please follow this link what is cosmic consciousness? as well as what is death?

Mr. Mellen-Thomas Benedict also talks about the cosmic void as not being a void at all. He states it is full of different forms of energy with which I can identify with as being the inherent nature of my notion of a fourth dimension. The author states we are immortal beings that live forever and that we are part of a natural living system. Once again I can identify with the author’s words because I argue that our personal awareness (instinctual awareness) is directly linked to the cosmic living system of primordial awareness and thought. The author says we are literally God. Once again I agree with him but I will not use the word God in this particular context. If one chooses to say primordial awareness is God, then I would argue our personal awareness is a manifestation of the wider God within us all. Keep in mind I am continuing to write from a secular perspective.

I hope you get fun out of reading this article and that I have been successful in at least partly explaining how my secular views pertinent to physics seem to meld with this man’s NDE experience. If you care to view the blog titled “A comparison of three models of reality physics” you will find at the bottom of both comparison models of reality physics that are cited that each caters for describing metaphysical phenomena that occurs after death. The Hiley-Bohm model of physics does as well. If you care to read an essay about David Bohm’s gnostic ideas I suggest you read this essay, more especially pages 7 to 9. You will find Bohm has distinctive ideas about the phenomenon of an afterlife. His ideas support many notions that I have in this area as well.

Is it Possible to Have a Good Death?

A forum for people to relate to about dying and death

Over the centuries different religions have evolved ars moriendi, ‘art of dying’ process for assisting the dying prepare for the final moments of their lives. Although I have written articles about the final act of dying, including one titled ‘What is death’ in a blog written in my webpage. I have never ventured to discover what sort of secular services may be available in the community to assist people to begin to prepare for their demise. There are two references I draw reader attention to that they may find are assets in their preparation for the final act of dying. In my opinion a good starting point would be to learn about a new ‘death café’ movement that is encouraging people to commence talking about dying. It is becoming an international movement. It claims its aim is to assist people to have a better experience of death.

A second reference point I found was a presentation mounted by the ABC online. It is part of a wider ABC health story feature. The article talks about what is a good death and is there such a thing? The article also talks about both good deaths and hard deaths and what either may mean to both the dying person and also their loved ones. It is rather a lengthy piece. However, I feel it is probably good reference material for those that may feel it could be useful one day. The respective url’s are: