A secondary experiment to the SMUT particle experiment

A side experiment that could yield important data for the science of cosmology

One thing that can be done as a secondary experiment is to set off the SMUT particle generator once every six months. You would compare the direction of the SMUT particles “motion” in to the position of the Sun as seen from Earth at six month intervals. You would measure the difference in angles every six months and use them to triangulate the centre of the universe as the SMUT particle is perceived to always be “traveling” in the opposite direction to the motion of the universe. This would mean a stream of SMUT particles would always point to the area the Big Bang took place in.  Having said that, modern theories about cosmology state that the universe has no centre, thus the most likely outcome would be that there would be no difference in the direction the SMUT particles. They would “travel” in the same direction without any any deviation no matter what time of year they were generated.

If there is some measurable difference in the direction of the SMUT particles, and we say there would not be any change, the information the side experiment gives could be used to help calculate the size of the universe and thus it’s mass, and also calculate Earth’s position in relation to the centre of the universe. Also in this side experiment having two layers of detectors is important because it would let us know if the SMUT particles appear to be accelerating or decelerating. This would tell us about the motion of Earth, the Sun, the Milky Way galaxy and the acceleration rate and current speed of the expanding universe. All of these phenomena would be immensely useful in cosmology.

The expected “intuitive” outcome many people would expect this experiment to have:

find centre of the universe incorrect

The result the experiment would most likely actually have:

find centre of the universe likely outcome